Monday, October 18, 2010

There is always a beginning, which means there will always be an end. Sometimes the end comes pretty rough, and leaves a couple battle marks on a persons mind. But through the whole process, there is development, and there is an outcome or reason as to why something had to happen, no matter the case.

The past few days have felt this way for me. My eyes are opening to things around me that if I didn't give myself the chance to think deep, then I would have missed them completely. It's hard to put a grip on it, but at the same time it lets me think "OK. Now I have something to pray about." Anyone can watch things fall apart. It's easy to do, so easy that without even realizing, I can allow myself to do the same thing. When you come to realize, there is always an answer. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

I have been allowing myself to feel helpless recently. I have watched someones life literally fall apart, witnessing one thing after another and the only thing I could think to do was to be thankful I was there with them when it all happened. I'm trusting God more and more that this has to be one of His mysterious ways of working in someones life. I love this person as if they were my whole world, and having to see heart wrenching things occur and bring this person to their knees in tears is something that I never want to see again. It hurt, and still does as I continue to think it through. There is something changing in lives through all of this. Teaching all of us for patience and trust. It's beautiful if you look at it that way. We are all the clay in the potters hands, that is.

At this moment, I know that I need God more than ever. I can only hope for a miracle to keep my hope burning. Bringing someone to their knees really means something much deeper than I believe the human mind can grasp. I'm excited to continue in the chapter and watch a miracle unravel.

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